O fia’c ni Ina 母親的米…阿美米 Mother’s Rice…Amis Rice
從臺北回到臺東縣關山,當起二代回鄉人。雖然在臺北工作時常常想到童年的記憶,在水溝裡抓魚、田埂上奔跑、挖地瓜⋯,阿美族農家第二代的阿龍卻坦言,從沒真正地去了解過這片土地!現在回來了,發覺越來越愛這片土地,言語中透露著尊重。一早起床,呼吸著只有關山才有的空氣。跟著Ina(阿美族對母親輩的通稱)戴起斗笠,捲起褲管,穿上雨鞋,走在田埂上,學習著稻米的知識。阿美族的Ina 在家庭中是最重要的角色,Ina 最常說的一句話:「自己收割的米最好吃了!」現在也成了阿龍的口頭禪,因為已經能體會做農的辛苦,留下汗水,才有幸福的果實。我們為這珍貴的母親用心教我們種出的米取名「阿美米 O Fla’cni Ina 阿美族語譯母親的米」,並重新設計包裝,希望讓大家感受到自己的用心,也鼓舞自己人生的希望。
Eventually, we all returned back to Guanshan from Taipei. While we are working at Taipei we always have a very deep memories of our childhood in Guanshan, I haven’t really thorough understanding this land” said the second generation o A-Long. Now, when I think of it, I realized that I really love this land”. Everyday when I woke up, I take a deep breath and I will fallow Ina(Mother in Ami’s language),I put on my bamboo hat, rolled up my pants, put on my rain boots, ready to go! Ina is a very great character in Ami’s family, Ina always say “The rice that I personally plant, are the best rice on the world ever!” Now this sentence became the cliche of A-Long. Since he understand how hard farming are. We used the name of our great mother as our store “Amis Rice (in Ami’s language meaning mother’s rice)”, we past on this touched story, inspire people to have hope.
想多瞭解關山阿美米嗎? 請聯絡我們 連絡電話:089-811707/0965303228 MAIL:imysos650228@gmail.com 地址:956台東縣關山鎮新福里14鄰溪埔路139號 營業時間:6:00-22:00(全年無休)
Contact Informations For more information about the product, feel free to contact us via +886-89-811707/+886-965303228 For bulk order or further cooperation, please fill out the form below. We will get in touch with you ASAP. MAIL:imysos650228@gmail.com Address: No.139, 14th Neighborhood, Xipu.Guanshan Township, Taitung County 95644 Taiwan (R.O.C.) Every 06:00 - 22:00

阿美米的簡介 About Amis Rice:
In Guanshan, Xin-Fu is a tribe where almost everywhere has rice paddy, we were protected by two mountains, thus we can avoid most of the typhoon.
From Lilong (name of the earlier Guanshan) to currently Guanshan, from wetlands to paddy, Ina have live in Guanshan almost 60 years, now, Amis Rice are the perfect model for a lot of people, also she pass this skill to her next generation.